By Jade Caswell, LMHC
Oftentimes, when we hear the word 'trust,' we may first think of trust in the context of a relationship, either with friends, family or a partner. However, we may be neglecting an important facet of trust- which is trust in ourselves! Lacking trust in ourselves may look like second-guessing our decisions, low self-confidence, and trouble making choices. On the other hand, having a solid foundation of trust in ourselves can make it easier for us to show up authentically in relationships, trust others, combats stress, and increases self-confidence. Don't know where to start? Read more below for tips on how to build trust in yourself.
1. Use Compassionate Self-Talk
It is crucial to take time to bring awareness to how we are speaking towards ourselves. When you tap into this inner narrative, is it harsh and critical? Or compassionate and uplifting? When using harsh self-talk, we erode our view of ourselves and lose trust in who we are. Conversely, using gentle and kind language can contribute to increased confidence and self-trust.
2. Take Inventory of Strengths
When you think of your positive characterizes and strengths, what comes up for you? Making a list of strengths and how we utilize them can be important in recognizing what we are proficient and capable of, which in turn builds confidence and trust in the self. Do more of what you're good at, and spend less time focusing on weaknesses!
3. Stick to Values
Think of your core values... now ask yourself if you are living true to these stated values? If not, this can lead to a feeling of inauthenticity, unfulfillment and ultimately lack of trust in ourselves. Avoiding second guessing ourselves and holding ourselves accountable for our values and life choices are a crucial step in building a foundation of trust in ourselves.
4. Acknowledge and Accept Emotions
Tapping into our emotions and understanding our emotional worlds can be crucial in self-understanding and trusting ourselves. When we accept and find space for our emotions, instead of avoiding or shutting them out, we learn that our emotions can convey important information about ourselves. Learning to trust ourselves starts with trusting and accepting these feelings, even if we don't always agree with them.
Need more guidance? Please get in touch with us-- call our office today at 813-335-9794.