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August often brings the start of school for kids around the country and can be a time of both excitement and stress for both kids and parents alike. While starting school can be a time for academic success and social gains for many children, it may also mean bullying for others. While some form of bullying has always taken place, research has recently turned a focus towards the mental health consequences of this phenomenon on those who are bullied in schools and other social settings. This research indicates that those who are bullied may experience a risk of depression, anxiety and lowered self-esteem and academic performance.

Conversely, those who engage in bullying are often at risk of developing antisocial behaviors and traits, substance use disorders, and academic challenges. While parents and caregivers may not directly witness bullying that occurs at school, they may be able to look out for the signs of emotional disturbances and withdrawal that may accompany their child home if they are a victim of bullying. These signs may include increased isolation, appetite and sleep changes, and loss of interest or pleasure in activities they once enjoyed. It is also important to note that bullying not only can occur in person, but also digitally. With increased use and reliance on technology and digital devices, the incidence of cyberbullying has also risen. Keeping children safe both in the classroom and at home to protect their physical and emotional health is paramount, however, it may be difficult to know where to start.

For some parents, intervention may mean collaboration with teachers and other school personnel who can create a safety plan for their child and help them navigate the school environment. Taking an interest and asking children about their time both at school and online, and checking in frequently can help establish connection and assist in gauging a child's overall wellbeing and potential needs. Even if it is determined that your child is not a direct victim of bullying, talking openly about bullying and teaching children to be a positive role model can help them have the courage to intervene when they witness others being bullied.

While a supportive and attentive parent can do much to aid their child, for more persistent mental health

challenges, it is best to enlist professional help, while may include mental health counseling or psychological evaluation.

For those in need of more support in coping with the immediate mental health impacts of bullying, Suicide and Crisis Hotline can be reached by calling 988 or by texting MHA to 741741. The Trevor Project additionally provides support to LGBTQ+ youth, and can be reached at 1- 866-488-7386 or by texting the word START to 678678.

By Jade Caswell, MA, NCC, Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern

            Boundaries are an important part of self-care and can make us feel empowered and mitigate stress. Put simply, boundaries assist us in identifying where one person ends and another begins. Ideally, boundaries should be clear and flexible-- not too porous nor too rigid. Rigid boundaries often are overly protective of the self, which can result in isolation and 'keeping others out.' Porous boundaries, on the other hand, may be too loose and make it more difficult to get needs met.

            Boundaries may be divided into different types, for example, physical, sexual, intellectual, emotional and material. Physical boundaries protect an individuals' personal space, while sexual boundaries may be considered what an individual is comfortable sharing in an intimate setting. Emotional boundaries relate to what an individual is comfortable sharing in the emotional realm-- think feelings, emotions, worries, and desires, while intellectual boundaries are primarily related to personal thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Material boundaries refer to setting limits on material resources, such as money, possessions, and even time. Keeping these in mind, is there a particular area that you feel lack boundaries in your life? Read on to find out how to proactively set these.

            Setting boundaries involves being clear, direct, and firm. If you are new to boundary setting, consider starting small, practicing often, and building up to setting bigger boundaries. Additionally, it is helpful to be guided by our own values when considering setting a boundary and know what goals we have in mind. Setting boundaries can feel challenging, however, they are a necessary part of self-care and protecting our own mental wellness.

By Jade Caswell, Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern

Need more help creating or enforcing boundaries? Call us today at 813-335-9794... We look forward to hearing from you!

While most of us know that frequent exercise is a part of a healthy life, it may be challenging to know where to start with attaining this goal. Fortunately, gaining more physical activity can be as simple as walking for thirty minutes per day, no gym membership needed! Walking is free, can be done anywhere, and is low intensity; you can even walk with a friend!

Research indicates that walking thirty minutes a few times per week may boost cardiovascular health, induce greater quality of sleep, boost immune health, support joint health, lower Alzheimer risk, and help shed unwanted pounds. Furthermore, walking may deliver a host of benefits for mental health, including staving off mental decline in older adults, and improving overall mood (12 Benefits of Walking, Arthritis Foundation).  

While walking, it is even possible to practice mindfulness, a counseling skill that is used to find balance and assist in emotional regulation. To complete this exercise, try focusing on natural sensations during your walk, and bringing attention to positive aspects of your surroundings. Using your senses, it is possible to feel the warm sun on your face, smell the bloom of fresh flowers, or hear the chirping on birds. After taking a mindful walk, not only will your body, but also your mind will thank you for this act of self-care.

Need more help on starting a healthy routine, or practicing mindfulness?

Call us today at 813-335-9794

We look forward to hearing from you!

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